two soon-to-be retirees on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure!

two NOW RETIRED PERSONS on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cancun adventure Part Dos

After the flea market, we traveled a bit closer to the center of Cancun, to the Mercado 23 (near the ADO bus station).  I was searching for Talavera pottery, and that darn ol' plastic tub...PLUS, Tiff has a favorite breakfast place there, at the far end of the restaurant is a pic of some entertainers there, during our pleasant breakfast there in February...I will get the name of it next time we go..."cause we ALWAYS go whenever we are in Cancun shopping...

I also found some great mugs at the pottery store...

Mercado 23 is a very, very good place for me...first, a candy and pinata store...

Willy Wonka has nothing on this place!

Whooo-hoooo! Nirvana!
and secondly...da-da-da-dah!!!!!...the... BEST...plastics... store... EVER!!!!!!  Oh, the wonder of it all--the colors, the sizes, the assortment...WOWEE!  Guess what I found that NO other store-big or small- has had? The previously elusive RECTANGULAR tub!! and I forgot to take a picture of it...:(  But I did take a pic of these awesome little flip-top containers perfect for my classroom back in Washington--picture, please...

Next visit I will take lots of pictures so you all can enjoy the wonder of it all....please check the next post for a little review on Mercado 23--adios for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you.
