two soon-to-be retirees on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure!

two NOW RETIRED PERSONS on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Known as the hogfish in the U.S., this exquisite fish is caught, oh no, not by using a pole or a net, but only by spearing it!  Divers must go down, find it, spear it, and bring it back up to the waiting diners.  This is Matt's favorite fish by always puts a smile on his face to devour the entire fish...and he goes on the endless quest to find the perfect pescado al mojo de ajo (fish in a garlic white sauce).  I found a great resource for seafood in the Yucatan from Yucatan Today--thanks to them for this!

And here is Matt with his favorite dish--check out the look on his face!!


  1. :)
    Właśnie usmażyłam sobie taką rybkę przed chwilą. Najsmaczniejsza meksykańska ryba jaką jadłam. Popieram zachwyt!

  2. Tka rybę wciągałem prawie co dzień będąc w Campeche, smażona lub grillowana w sosie adobo mmm pycha najlepsza jaką jadłem.

  3. I've seen that look on his face in the past. Mike
